I have been taking MAP tests for about five years now. For two weeks of the year we all suffer. I really dislike the map tests in many ways. The ting I dislike the most is that there is no possible way to study for this things. It is also very annoying to stare at a blue monitor for an hour. After twenty minutes I start getting headaches that don't let me concentrate! The map testing weeks are the worst weeks of the year after the quarter exams. You may like them but just don't!
MAP tests do affect our lives though. It helps the teachers see our understanding of different subjects. It also tells them if you have improved or not from the last test. That's why it is called Measure of Academic Progress (MAP). So all of this does have a good side after all. You are probably thinking all of this information is unnecessary. Well, you are wrong. For example, you get a very poor grade on one of the MAP tests (let's say math). They will probably assign you a tutor to help you understand and improve on the subject. So that means you better stop guessing!
There are a great amount of things I would change. First, I would make it so that the teachers give us a sort of study guide so that we know what to expect from the test. Maybe I would also change the background color to prevent the headaches. Thats pretty much all i want to change.